WIFI Jammer

Official Guide:

1) Buy an esp8266 module on Amazon, or Ebay.

Click on the image to go on the Amazon page:

2) Download this Files:

Binary Code

ESP8266Flasher(x32) if you have a 32bit operative system.

ESP8266Flasher(x64) if you have a 64bit operatvie system.

3) Open ESP8266 Flasher(x32/x64) software:

4) Connect the ESP8266 via micro-usb cable

5) Go to Config:

Click on the grey Gear and select the binary file that we have downloaded before

6) Come back to Operation and click Flash(F)

7) Wait for the loading (maximum 5 minutes!) and it's done!!

Now you can connect to your personal wifi Jammer and start to do something dangerous :) (I'm jocking!)

To connect to the jammer, turn on wifi and select the net called "pwned", the default password is "deauther"

To control the jammer you have to search the address "" in a browser.

This guide is for information purposes only. I do not feel responsible for any damage done from this guide.